Our Exclusive Gym Means Zero Distractions
Will Metabolic Fitness work for me?
Here’s what your trainer needs from you
A commitment to give it your all
An ability to train at least once a week for a minimum of 6 weeks
Train Less Frequently
& Get Far Better Results
Dedicated Trainer
Flexible Training Hours
Training & Nutrition Plan
Positive Change Support
Training Method

At Metabolic Fitness you will not find traditional methods of prolonged boring periods on a treadmill or stationary bike. Our Metabolic Training Formula ensures that by stoking up your metabolism using varied functional movements you continue to burn calories long after you have left the gym, resulting in being able to train less frequently while getting far better results than any other form of exercising. All workouts are designed to suit your individual abilities with an aim to improve all elements of physicality and health.
One look at our trainers will reassure you that we know what we are talking about as each and every trainer here practices what they preach.
We do all that is necessary to educate and motivate to ensure that each and everyone who enters our premises leaves a healthier, more confident and happier person.
Our goal is to ensure that any loss in scale weight is fat loss which stays off long term while also achieving an energy filled stronger more toned physique.